to all readers,do leave me your comment or suggestion at the shout mix or juz comment it on my entry..i really appreciate that and hoping that i could blogwalking to yours... =)

Khamis, Disember 03, 2009


knape ekk?
kadang2 rase cam malang sgt idop ni...
tp bile pkir balik..
xbaik gak..
kite kene bsyukur kan??
yyg pastinye aku pcaye stiap kejadian yg blaku ade hikmahnye...
cthnye,bile aku rase malas sgt nk join konvo aritu..
tp dsbbkn da sign agreement,aku join je la..
aku jumpe balik ngan luqman..
sgt hepi...
ag plak kitowg da bape lame xjumpe..
since die abis skola dlu,aku tros xpnah jumpe die..
cume mcg diepon kdg2..
bile tyme bday..
agpon aritu jumpe die ckp aku nampak laen..
nampak lebey matang..
matang kew??
yg tu aku xpasti..

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