to all readers,do leave me your comment or suggestion at the shout mix or juz comment it on my entry..i really appreciate that and hoping that i could blogwalking to yours... =)

Jumaat, April 09, 2010

4 down,one more to go

baru pas abis etnik..
habis menembak ah td..
xbley blah..
harap2 tekene sasaran la..
yg xley blanye,akunye essei sampai 3 page kot..
hebat x??
puan hamidah,bg saye full mark utk esei ye??
bley x??
setelah lame xonline di library,akhirnye aku mengONLINEkn diriku disini..
(almaklumla...owg da ade broadband sendrik)
sbnrnye xm xabes ag..
tp aku kua awal..
ngan rumate kesayanganku-NANA
last2 die g HEP..
aku plak lepak kt library ngan mamat 2 eko tu..
SYUK n my boyfie-AMUSH..
dok blakang2 pon nk chatting kt fbook..
gile ke hape an kitowg ni??
ape2pon,,mood aku agak ok arini..
smile.... :)

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