to all readers,do leave me your comment or suggestion at the shout mix or juz comment it on my entry..i really appreciate that and hoping that i could blogwalking to yours... =)

Jumaat, April 16, 2010


kenape nk kne ade prasaan ni??
aku nk jd yg tebaik utk die..
nk bwat die epy..
tp sume bende ni xpnah jd..
akupon tataw nape..
why is it so hard 4 me??
aku prasan sgt lately kitowg da xmcm dlu..
sampaila pristiwe smlm..
tp td die bwat2 cm xde pape blaku..
tp bile aku odw balik umah,die cm nk xnk je mcg aku..
ape masalah kitowg sbnrnye??
maybe i should gave us some tyme..
tgkla cmne..
hopefully tyme die dtg kl t everythings gonna back to normal..
aku sayang die sgt2..
but every person have diff way to express their love..
maybe im kinda weird in showing my love to him..
i'll gave u sometime honey to think about all dis stuff..
tp bwat sementare waktu ni,i xkn ganggu u dlu..
sampaila u rase u perlukan i balik...
i'll be waiting for dat moment..
but until then,,i'll be here...
i'll never give up again..
cuz im afraid to loose u..

2 ulasan:

Lily berkata...

cyg..nape nihh? sumting's wrong?

JuLiaNnE JiTChiE berkata...

aah la kowt..
ade jugak owg bace blog kite ni ekk??
cedey la kak long..
kak long balik kl x??
jom kite kua jalan2