to all readers,do leave me your comment or suggestion at the shout mix or juz comment it on my entry..i really appreciate that and hoping that i could blogwalking to yours... =)

Isnin, Oktober 04, 2010

blog ini bosan...

aku trime komen..
katenye blog aku bosan..
xyah ckppn aku taw..
akupon rase bosan..
sbb idea utk menulis slalu xde sajak akhir2 ni..
tp klo balik umah,blambak2 idea muncul scare tibe2..
any idea guys?

p/s: time kaseh sbb bgtaw..
siyesli..ingatkn aku sowg je yg rase cmtu..

1 ulasan:

nur maisarah berkata...

hahaha. perlu ke gambo lebu cik kak oiiii.. lawak ar muke dia. ngeh3.